Planning Road Trip to Digha? Safety tips you must consider
Road Trip to Digha is always fun for long drive lovers. Digha, at a distance of about 185 Kms from Kolkata could be ideal for you to drive down to, if you love driving. Travelling by road has become easier, since the roads are excellent. You can easily reach Digha from Kolkata in 4 hr of sedate driving. You could take the National Highway 6 till Kolkaghat. From there you have to take a left turn on National Highway 41 till Nandkumar. Thereafter you have to take a right turn on state highway all the way till Digha. On the way you would have to cross the Ramnagar and Contai.
Why Road Trip to Digha is Fun?
Travel as per your convenience is the biggest advantage if you plan road trip to digha. You need not depend on others. Besides you can easily drive down to nearby destinations like Shankarpur, Mondarmoni and Tajpur which are some famous for Sightseeing in Digha. However the following are some safety tips.
Safety Tips You Must Consider During Your Road Trip to Digha:
Car Routine Checkup: Do the proper thorough checking of your car. These include the oil check up and brake check up. Besides the check up of the air pressure in the car tyres are of utmost importance. This is because car tyres without proper air pressure would not give the due mileage.
Sufficient Sleep: If you are driving down to Digha, then you must have proper sleep too before you embark on your long driving journey. Dozing off while driving is common and one of the leading causes of fatal accidents on the highway. So make sure you sleep well the night before.
Be Hydrated: You must also stay sufficiently hydrated. Keep the water supply stocked up for more energy. However one drawback of this is that you may require making more bathroom stops. None the same your safety is your priority, so drink sufficient amounts of water.
Low Caffeine Drinks During Trip: It is best to keep Caffeine at low levels. Highly caffeinated beverages are not necessarily the best way to stay awake while driving. Instead you could try out energy drinks with water. You could add a pinch of glucose powder as well.
Eat Regularly: Eat more regularly in smaller quantities while driving. To stay alert you could have carrots and almonds.
Drive Comfortably: Sit up straight and mind your posture while driving. You need to adjust your seat so that it is comfortable. You need to mobilize your lower back and stretch your hamstrings. This will enable you to drive for long distances without any tension in your body. When you stop for breaks, make sure you stretch your body to be ready for the next part of the journey.
Break Through Journey: You must plan your stops. You should work out a schedule and try to stick to it, to ensure that you do not drive too fast or slow.
Additional Driver: It is always advisable to have one extra member who knows basic driving. So in case of any emergency you would not be stuck up in the middle of the highway.
Road trip to digha can be fun. But you must ensure that you follow the above mentioned safety tips. This would ensure that your next trip to Digha is a safe and enjoyable one. Once you reach Digha you must stay at Hotel Coral which is a must stay and among most popular hotel in digha with Swimming Pool, Bar cum Restaurant, Car Parking, Free Wifi, Complementary Breakfast and many more.
So what are you waiting for? Its time for Weekend Holiday and a Road Trip to Digha with your friends and family.
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